How To Decorate Wedding Cars

How To Decorate Wedding Cars

A wedding is a beautiful day for the realization of all creative ideas and ideas for decorating cars. It is essential to choose the right accessories and colors. It is better to think in advance what and how it should look and how many cars there will be. You can ask the agency for help, they often provide cars and their creative design, but since it is quite expensive, you can try to decorate the wedding car with your own hands.

Useful tips for decorating a wedding car

When choosing a car for a wedding celebration, it is better to focus on the classic shades – white, black, metal, and silver. If the newlyweds have separate vehicles, then prefer the dark car to the groom and the light car to the bride.

Most often, it is decorated with rings and hearts. If you decide to decorate a car with ribbons and flowers, carefully select them to match the color of the vehicle. On dark machines, dark accessories look better, and vice versa. It is crucial not to overdo it. Jewelry should not interfere with the driver. You can also rent jewelry.

Also Read: Book Wedding Car Hire Service in London

How to decorate the wedding procession

To make your procession impressive, read the basic rules for decorating wedding cars.

1. Decide on the exact number of vehicles. At a minimum, you need to decorate the primary vehicle for a wedding beautifully. Guest cars may be decorated more modestly.

2. Decide where the accessories will be mounted. Modern technology does not harm the coatings of the machine. Typically, these elements are decorated: headlights, bumper, glass, door handles, interior, trunk, wheels. The most popular place to mount the scenery is the hood.

How To Decorate Wedding Cars

3. Choose a color scheme depending on the color of the car. Prefer the contrast between the color of the vehicle and the decorations.

4. Combine the theme of the celebration with the design of the vehicle. If the wedding is without ideas, choose the colors suitable for the bride’s bouquet.

5. To make the design look organic, consider the features of the shape of the hood and other elements. If a florist is engaged in decoration, s/he must take into account all the features.

6. If you prefer fresh flowers, then buy the most persistent with sharp leaves.

7. Make sure that decorations do not interfere with the driver and do not obscure glass and mirrors. Besides, they should not overlap car numbers.

8. Decide on the mount. You can tie, stick-on tape or cling to the suction cup jewelry for cars.

9. Also, you have the opportunity to use jewelry with vehicles in the decoration of the hall. In this case, warn the decorator.

10. Do not drive at high speed (more than 60-80 km/h) so that jewelry does not fly off the car. Take seriously the choice of the person who will be involved in the design of vehicles.

Wedding rings and swans

If you create jewelry for a wedding with your own hands, do not forget about the use of rings and swans on a wedding car – they are classic. Standard rings can be made independently. You will need hoses made of plastic that can be twisted into a ring using batteries. After that, they need to be wrapped in a spiral with a gold ribbon for flowers. Fix the ends of the tape with glue or tape. You will need three rings. One for the foundation – it should lie horizontally, and the other two are installed perpendicular to the first and fixed. The finished structure is fixed on a magnet (used for taxi checkers). It is appropriate to place a pair of swans on a wedding car – they symbolize love and fidelity. Look beautiful with rings. Swans must be white.

How To Decorate Wedding Cars Swans can be made with your own hands or purchased at a store. For self-production, you will need feathers, fabric, cardboard. It is essential to mount the swans on machinesecurity, so the nest is often decorated with flowers, baskets, or materials.

Decorations of ribbons and butterflies for a car

Choosing the right color scheme is one of the most critical tasks. Decorations look beautiful when colors are matched in contrast or harmony.

With ribbons on the roof, you can attach rings or decorate the car itself. There are two options for decorating the machine with decorations and butterflies:

• Artificial butterflies are attached using suction cups. Decorations decorate the butterflies themselves or decorate other elements of the car.

• From a paper or fabric tape on the hood pull the composition in the form of a web. Artificial butterflies are sewn onto it.

What fabrics to decorate a wedding car with

Lightweight fabrics will help you to decorate your wedding car with your own hands beautifully. The most common is to make bows from fabric. You can create them yourself by combining various types and colors of materials. For example, you can combine satin and organza. The different texture of the fabrics will look beautiful. You can attach ribbons at the base of the bow, which will flutter while riding. Carefully choose a bow size. Prefer either one large or a pair of small. All bows must be the same color, even on different cars. Then the motorcade will be very elegant. Sometimes the hood of the vehicle is fitted with tulle or tulle. It is inexpensive, but it looks beautiful. The fabric composition is complemented with ribbons or flowers. By the way, decorating a car with veiling for a wedding is very important. Often, they take one large piece of light fabric, drape and attach it to the hood to completely close the hood. The edge of the veiling can be left to hang down to create an association with the bride’s veil. The hood does not have to be closed completely. It will look no less impressive if the draped veiling is stretched from the upper corners to the center of the hood. Bows are often made from this fabric and decorated with ribbons.

Choosing flowers to decorate

It is very modern to decorate a car with flowers. Fresh flowers look the prettiest. They are located on the body, hood, and door handle. Flowers may resemble wreaths, baskets or bouquets. Floral arrangements look beautiful. Also, the car is often decorated with artificial flowers. They are usually rented. You can create a gorgeous floral arrangement for a wedding car yourself. You will need to purchase:

• artificial flowers;

• leaves;

• spikelets;

• accessories;

• fabrics, preferably veiling or tulle;

How To Decorate Wedding Cars • ribbons.

Next, you need to make a frame. To do this, use a circle made of cardboard or plastic. On the base, fasten the flowers. Choose which song you will use. It can be round or linear. It can be composed of flowers of the same length or different. After making a flowerbed. To make it more magnificent, insert greens or ribbons between the stems of the flowers. Fix everything with a fabric. Besides, tulle is often used for bouquets, stitching it in the form of a skirt to be associated with the bride’s dress.

When the composition is ready, wrap the ends of the stems with ta ribbon so as not to scratch the hood. Attach the flowers to the base and fix on the hood of the car with a ribbonor a packing tape. If using a piece of fabric, fix it with an elastic band on the back.

How to decorate car handles most often, car door handles are decorated with flowers or ribbons. Prefer concise decoration — for example, a bow from various ribbons, a buttonhole or plants. Floral bouquets are created using tulle, fabrics, and veiling. Original jewelry can be created with beads or rhinestones. The main thing is not to overdo it, just a few ribbons or a flower will be enough. Is it worth it to decorate a car yourself preparing a celebration is a very troublesome job. It is crucial to think over every little thing. Decorating a vehicle for a wedding plays an important role. An elegant wedding, procession always looks beautiful. You can create a massive part of jewelry yourself. Then it is essential to take into account various nuances. When you make a car with a company, specify in advance whether it is possible to decorate it yourself. It may happen that you are forbidden to decorate the vehicle with any jewelry.How To Decorate Wedding Cars

If the cars are of different colors, then the brightest ones will be at the end of the cortege. If you decide to decorateby yourself, then remember about practicality. In addition to a beautiful appearance, they should not interfere with anyone, especially the driver. It is equally important to securely attach everything so that at an unsuccessful moment, the jewelry does not fly off the car. Perhaps these are the main rules of high quality and beautiful decoration of vehicles for a wedding with their own hands. If it is not possible to use the services of the company, you can simply ask them to advicehow, what is better to decorate the wedding car, and if you decide that you know how to decorate a wedding car yourself beautifully, and then take it seriously to avoid embarrassing incidents on the day of celebration.

How To Decorate Wedding CarsAbout the author

Melisa Marzett is a very creative person who works as a freelance content writer for combines her dream job with her hobby, which is traveling. Recently, she experienced scuba diving and snorkeling for the first time, even though she cannot swim. Also, she started taking singing lessons, practicing meditation and yoga, and positive thinking.